How to make a submission

Can I still make a submission ? - How ? What is relevant ?

YES ! - As of August 20th 2013 - it has been confirmed by Council that submissions on the Ivanhoe Grammar Schools' Proposed Development Plan can still be made - up and until Council makes a final decision on the Proposal ( which is a long way off at present )

Currently the School and its planners are addressing concerns raised at the Aug 20th Public Meeting with School and Council - Their response  will be forwarded to the Councils staff and then another public meeting will be called to examine any issues arising from their hese responses.

All submitters will be invited by email or letter to that meeting - so to be "in the loop" - we suggest you make a submission with any concerns you have now. Residents can make several submissions - as ideas or issues occur to them and all of these will be considered by Council Staff

The email address for submissions is

- Submissions should also be ccd to your local ward Councillor Jenny Mullholland - so she is aware of the communities concerns at every level - ie the Schools Plans, the Council Process, the related issues of the Chelsworth Lease and Booking System, etc etc  

Cr Craig Langdon - a previous State MLA for the Ivanhoe area (and now a Councillor) could also be ccd, as could Anthony Carbines - the current MLA ; both have shown great interest in these issues;  Both Craig Langdon and the Councils CEO have been helpful in asking questions of Council Staff and Craig has been lobbying for continued meetings on these issues, at the request of residents

Contact details for all the above can be found on our CONTACTS page



What matters are relevant to the proposed Development Plan ?

GO to our Development Plan page on this site to understand which matters are relevant -

They are defined by Law and include any amentiy impacts on the surrounding Residential Neighbourhood - such as changes to access, noise levels, shadowing, and residential character  but they also include  any part of the development at the school that affects the various OVERLAYS covering the school site - these include a Heritage Overlay, Vegetation Protection Overlay, and Significant Landscape Overlay.

Other matters not covered by planning law that could be relevant  -relate to the Fire Hazards within the neighbouring Yarra Parklands and the ease of access and targetted emergency contact during  emergencies. TSince 2009 - the Metropolitan Fire Services staff - plan for all contingencies at the Suburban / Bush interface and consider the size of roads and all manner of other parameters in considering how to avoid  fires spreading and how to keep people safe. This contingency planning and associated hazard factors - are not strictly amenity issues but perhaps need to be considered in any solutions to IGS the Plan - for example - controlling the speed of vehicles along The Boulevard may be limited due to the access requirements for emergency vehicles at the Yarra  Parklands / Suburban Residential interface

More info about the areas of relevance - will go on the Develoment Plan page as it comes to hand  

Submission Examples

Go to the Submission Examples page for some excellent submmisions we have seen so far and send us your if you would like it published

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11.04 | 09:43

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11.04 | 05:14

I found your website on google and I found it very useful and informative for our business and I also shared your website with my other friends also.

05.08 | 03:19

I have heard it is closely and extensively guarded by security guards - I have seen them nearby - but have not spoken to them myself- ED